Genuine Tibetan Nine Eyed Dzi Bead Amulet Real Pure 9 Eyes Gzi Pendant Ancient Eye Tianzhu Agate Stone Old Antique Beads Milky Nepal Zee Tibet Buddhism Necklace
These Dzi beads are specially energized to enhance personal charm, attract harmonious relationships, and boost positivity. With this blend of radionic rates, wearers can experience heightened wit, warmth, and an infectious sense of humor, making interactions joyful and memorable. The beads’ unique energy is perfect for those seeking not only personal growth but also connections that resonate with genuine affection and compatibility.
Radionic charge with rates below
: Attracting Wealth, Confidence, and Protection
- +075044 Increase attraction of material goods and greater wealth
- +164027 Attracting Good Luck in General
- +172027 Increase security and personal confidence
- +103455 General protection against external damage
- +041505 Increase Personal Charisma
AuthenticProvenance Private collector.
Reference The complete book of DZI Beads Melanie W Bolin 2019 plus Internet research
A fine antique Tibetan Dzi 9 EYED bead 4 cm
The 9 eyed Dzi bead assists its owner to Gather Wealth, Achieve Good Health, Success, Gain Power, Compassion, Glory, and Expelling Evil & Acts as a Protector.
The meaning of the Tibetan word “Dzi” translates to “shine, brightness, clearness, splendour”. The beads originate in the Tibetan cultural sphere and can command high prices and are difficult to come by. They are found primarily in Tibet, but also in neighbouring Bhutan, Ladakh and Sikkim. Shepherds and farmers pick them up in the grasslands or while cultivating fields. Because dZi are found in the earth, Tibetans cannot conceive of them as man-made. Since knowledge of the bead is derived from oral traditions, few beads have provoked more controversy concerning their source, method of manufacture and even precise definition. This all contributes to making them the most sought after and collectable beads on earth.
Dzi stones are said to do a number of things. Some protect its wearer from negative energies or accidents, some attract wealth or wisdom, while others might bring you love and happiness.
One thing to remember concerning these curious little stones is this, a Dzi stone may repel things, but it also can store them. When a negativism comes at you, your stone may block it or absorb it. They can also give very positive energies to you, while absorbing a bit of your energy in the process. In other words, a bit of them goes into you and a bit of you will go into them.